



What we offer

Tiny Tumbling $45/monthly

Tiny Tumbling will introduce babies and toddlers to new movements toward flexibility and body control. Self- paced class while still developing social and coordination skills alongside others, parents if desired also.

Recreation Cheer/ Free

Recreation cheer will continue to increase their strength, flexibility, and conditioning. A strong emphasis is put on form. Students will begin to learn and master skills needed in order to be invited to Competitive or Advanced. Fundraising is mandatory

Basic Tumbling $60 /monthly

.Basic Tumbling class will focus on the development of basic tumbling skills such as back walkovers, handstands, and cartwheels. Prerequisite for Recreation and Cheer Teams.

All-Star Cheer $90/monthly

All-Star Cheer is a high-energy, team-based, performance sport that is athletic, artistic, and acrobatic. It involves athletes competing with a 2 and a 1/2 minute routine composed of tumbling, stunting, pyramids, dance, and cheer segments. Includes competitions, special performances, and travel opportunities.

Jump Class $45/monthly

Jump Class increases jump techniques through conditioning and specific exercises designed to increase jump height, flexibility, power, and technique.

Flexibility Class $35/monthly

Flexibility Class focuses on static, dynamic, and ballistic stretching to stretch and relax different muscles group. Enjoy an expressive, social group to improve strength, endurance, and stamina

Stunt Class $55/monthly

Stunt Class gives instructions, correction, and technique training for all stunt positions. This class will focus on stretches, drills, exercises, skills, and actual stunting performance.

Zumba Fitness Class $20/per class

Zumba is a fitness program that involves cardio and Latin-inspired dance. It is beginner friendly. A fun class for weight loss, body toning, heart health, de-stressing, and improving coordination, plus it makes you happy.

Etiquette Class $75 class

Etiquette class is a 4- week course that covers table etiquette, greeting and communicating, sitting and walking gracefully, business etiquette, and interviewing and ends with a Special Event to display skills learned in attire to match the theme.

Youth Business Startup Class $175

This is a 10-week course to expand a young entrepreneur’s education and equip them with life skills to use in any profession. This course’s information will transform their minds about leadership and life skills while preparing them for the financial, mental, and physical aspects of being a boss.